31 Cute and Delicate Tiny Ear Tattoos


What are the risks and pain level of ear tattoos?

Though the pain may not be too intense, like any tattoo there is always a potential risk of scarring, infection, or an allergic reaction to the ink, according to Connecticut-based dermatologist Mona Gohara. “Anytime the skin is compromised there is potential for infection and inflammation,” she says. “The process of tattooing is a compromise to the skin.” A more likely side effect of an ear tattoo is keloidal scarring, especially for folks with darker skin. She also says anything with cartilage is prone to infection.

What’s the aftercare for ear tattoos?

After the session, don’t be alarmed if your ear feels warm or looks red, as that’s totally normal, Labarca says. Like all new tattoos, you have to keep the area well-moisturized and protected from the sun. Metz-Caporusso says you don’t need anything super fancy for aftercare, just a “simple non-scented and dye-free lotion.”

New York City-based artist Ocean Gao typically covers their clients’ tattoos with a medical-grade healing bandage, like Second Skin. They suggest A&D Ointment — typically used for diaper rashes — for aftercare but says that many of their clients opt for a tub of Aquaphor, which also works. (If you want more aftercare products, check out these tattoo artist- and dermatologist-recommended ones here.)

There are certain ingredients and products to steer clear of after your appointment. “I tell all my clients to avoid letting shampooing or soap run directly on their ear tattoo for the first one to two days after receiving their tattoo. The same goes for spraying or applying hair products as well in that time frame,” Labarca explains. “After the ear tattoo is healed, you can continue using all soaps and hair products as usual.”

Toronto-based tattoo artist Rachel Weldon agrees with putting hair products down, but goes a step further and suggests to her clients to limit moisturizing the area during the healing, but only for ear tattoos. “I have found most people’s bodies produce enough natural oil, particularly from their hairline, that it’s not necessary,” she explains. This may differ from the advice of other artists, so ultimately it’s important to ask yours what they recommend.

Tattoos do fade over time, regardless of location, so taking care of them, especially in the healing phase, is key. To better preserve your ink, sunscreen is a must, according to London-based artist Gi, known as Slowpokes. Dr. Gohara says it should be SPF 30 or higher.

Now that you’re equipped with the preparation and aftercare tips, all that’s left is figuring out what you want tattooed. Get all the inspiration you need for your next ink appointment with one of these super cute tattoo designs for ears.

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